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Publié le : 17/05/2013 09:24:42
Mise à jour le : 17/05/2013 09:24:42
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Loïc THOBOIS (Membre depuis le 04/09/2007 17:50:01)
Société : AVAEDOS
Fonction : Consultant / Formateur
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System Center Service Manager Connector 3.0 pour Exchange

Le connecteur System Center Service Manager - Exchange Connector 3.0 permet d'interfacer Service Manager à Exchange afin de traiter les messages entrant des incidents. 

Exchange Connector connects Service Manager to Exchange for processing incoming emails related to work items. Once Exchange Connector has been configured to monitor exchange mailboxes, it can be used to create and update work items based on templates specified by the admin. By specifying special keywords to look for in the incoming emails, admins can configure Exchange Connector to perform actions like approving or rejecting review activities, or enable activity implementers to mark activities assigned to them as completed.

Download the following files:

  • System_Center_Service_Manager_Connector_3.0_for_Exchange.exe
  • SC2012_EC_DepGuide.docx
Microsoft Downloads